$416.50 USD

6 monthly payments

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Would you like to upgrade to The Alchemy VIP?

Alchemy VIP is the 8-week Full Alchemy Program + a weekly 1-1 session with Alice (8 sessions total) to go deeper into your personal path at light speed

The Alchemy - Payment Plan (6 months)

an 8-week live program that awakens authenticity, purpose, so much love & a whole new path of life 

What you'll get:

  • eight weekly live sessions with Alice: expect movement meditations; rituals; energy healing; cathartic practices of deep trauma release + revival. You will come back to your body like never before in these 75-90 min sessions that are recorded to take with you on your journey forward.
  • online course (lifetime access): including eight modules of somatic practices, meditations, journal prompts & more
  • community platform + your soul family: our sisterhood platform is used to share; connect; to open to where you are at on your personal journey in the safest, most supportive + radically loving space

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